I laugh at my week & say, please be over soon!!!! Yes it's been a very long and exhausting week. Shall I back up to Sunday? Yes, lets.
Sunday, Thomas came home 30 minutes before it was time for church with a busted eye! See...what had happen was...he was at his friends house, across the street, playing basketball. The ball got stuck up on the rim and so Thomas was climbing up to get it. Well his friend was throwing rocks to try to "loosen" the basketball and WHAM the rock hit his eye! Broken blood vessels and a torn membrane (I found that out on Tuesday afternoon). So we went to church and then tried to nurse the eye.
Monday...the eye (and leg) were in pain pain PAIN! Thankfully the kids were out of school. I did leave them with my friend for about 90 minutes so I could go to the station to meet up with MIKESCHAIR. They were in the area and stopped in to do a quick interview & have lunch. That was just such a great time. I have grown to really enjoy my friendship with each of them. So after that was all said and done I worked from home.
Tuesday...was a full day at the station (thank goodness). After school I took Thomas to the eye doctor. I am so thankful that his eye had only a minor injury, but the fact that it was damaged was enough to make my heart sink. Not only that, but by this point of the week, my computer had a virus that my system couldn't shake!
So that brings us to Wednesday...I stayed home from work because Thomas was in no condition to go to school & I was w/o a computer. I was so very very thankful that I went into work at the restaurant. I spent too long up at work once I was done, but it was great to be encouraged by a new young believer. It was a great conversation.
That brings me to today...Thursday! My children were all in school today and I was soooo ready to get back to work, but that did not happen in a normal fashion. My co-worker is home sick today, so I filled in for her & I went in to take care of some production & then off to BNI! BNI was great today...despite a little bit of drama that I refuse to participate in. By the time I got out of the meeting I found out that my husbands car was not working. Seems that a piece of his key got jammed up or broken off so the key won't go into the ignition. So we are w/o our car for the next 3 days - that in itself is a joke!
Thank goodness for friends. I can borrow a car. Now the details of getting everyone where they need to be is a whole different story, but you know what...I'm tired & the pizza is on the way & to be honest...it'll work itself out! I am just really looking forward to worship tomorrow night & saying hello and goodbye to some friends that are getting ready to go back to Haiti. So there it is....back in business with my computer & my kids are all happy & healthy (again) and I am ready for a new beginning!
~Peace & Blessings~
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