a bad thing? I don't think so. Actually...I think I do much better with a set schedule. My problem is my "feelings". Even if I know that I am suppose to do certain things at certain times...if I don't fell like it I will find an excuse or reason not to get it done. For example. I started back in August a series on 'Being Prepared'. My intentions were good, my execution was poor. So that series of blog posts got put on the back burner...EPIC FAIL!
Should I resurrect the posts and finish them up? I'm not sure. Maybe, but I think I have moved on past it now. So my goal is simple...don't do a series...do one post with all the info. So if you follow my blog and want to know what I'm posting about when...then you'll appreciate my (probably poor) attempt at a schedule.
MONDAY: If I blog...it will be about upcoming events or what we as a family did over the weekend (sure why not!)
TUESDAY: New Releases and anything of interest when it comes to music news!
WEDNESDAY: Wisdom Wednesdays...my goal is to inspire with scripture
THURSDAY: Random...I do believe I do need a day of randomness. Take this blog for example ;-)
FRIDAY: Week in Review...This is for anything that I may have missed or that I find of interest.
So this is just one of my many goals. I am not making any promises at success, only to try.
~Peace & Blessings~
I found that writing things down help me compleat them.