and I'm still up. It has been an emotionally draining day. My emotions are still very raw from the tragedy in Connecticut. I don't have to know the children who died or their families to feel pain and shed tears. I have read so much about gun control and about the state of mind of the young man, but the fact of the matter is, those children and heroic adults are gone.
Death is all around us, everyday. It seems so senseless and it can be so crippling. I can remember being of a very young age when I lost my Grandmother, and so many more after her. Death is never easy. Many times we just don't know what to say or how to even respond to death.
I don't know if the parents will ever fully heal. Only God knows the answer. I don't know how many people will continue to curse God or not believe that there is a God or how many people will turn to God because of this, but I know as a Christ follower I have faith that God STILL control.
We will all suffer loss, we will all cry out because of death, we will all question the validity of life. Where will you go to look for answers? Who will you seek out to talk to?
I have walked down the road of emptiness, anger and bitterness towards God. I ran from Him for many years because of the death of a loved one. I now know that it is in Christ that I found peace...not understanding, but peace.
I am truly saddened by what has happened, but I know that I must equip my children, my family and my community for what is still to come and to give them God's Word, Truth and Future. I can't run and hide from the scary evils of this world. I'm not going to teach my children to run and hide either. We must face each day as if it is our last, live life to the fullest with joy, and run the race until the very end.
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