and it's now Friday. I am so glad. I was totally stressed yesterday because of all the "stuff" that had to be done. I thought for sure I'd forget something or be late for an appointment or meeting, but Praise God I was not.
Thursday's are always hectic, but yesterday seemed to be compounded...so let's recap. Mike left yesterday for a fishing trip w/ a high school friend. He made it safely there. Not much to be said for his cleaning up before he left...hahaha...that did not really surprise me though. I had a great time at work with Bart. I'm so blessed to have such a great "job" with such a great ministry.
So after the show I had to run over to Paramount (thankfully they are right across the street) and then I had to run to the middle school to drop off some paperwork for my daughter...yes she starts middle school in the fall!!??!! How did that happen? (I know how, I'm just saying).
I did make it to my BNI meeting on time. At first it looked as though it would be poorly attended, but we had a good turn out. I have to admit, I'm a bit upset by the attendance. I don't understand why you would invest in an organization and then not utilize it for all it's benefits...that's just me and I'm just ranting a bit.
So the meeting finished up on time and I made it for my hair appointment (on time) and for that I was grateful. I have to say I absolutely love Farrow's the Salon & Wynn is a great hairdresser...I felt like a million bucks walking out of the salon. I made it to the school in plenty of time for the kids and at that point I was able to relax a bit.
The evening went by very quickly...the kids and I cleaned up the house a bit & I put new bedding on my broken bed & dressed it up...looks real nice!!! We headed out the door for Relay for Life meeting and then went to Papa John's to pick up pizza for dinner. It was WAY Radio Papa John's Pizza night so that was BONUS!! Got home & put in a movie for the kids while I got back to work with phone calls and emails.
Best part of the night...Tina called and we finally had a chance to catch up. Mike called to tell me he made it safely to Justin's, and the kids all have plans to stay with friends tonight...well Logan is staying w/ Nanny, but that is good because he has not done that in quite a while. So I made plans to see my friend Lisa tonight. It's been months since I've seen her so I'm looking forward to that.
So here it is Friday. Bart & I are wrapping up the show and then I am going grocery shopping with mom...I love my Friday's w/ mom. Carpet in on Monday so I still have to get furniture out of Nichole's room, but most of the furniture was moved out last night...yup...yesterday was a crazy busy day. So there you have it...a day in the life of me.
~Peace & Blessings~
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