
Each step of life is a journey that you choose to walk.

Each moment of life is another line, sentence, paragraph and chapter of the book called your life.

Enjoy all that life has to offer, good friends, good food, good coffee and as always wisdom and a good laugh.


28 July 2010

A bit of weariness...

on this Wednesday. My mind has been rather unsettled this week. God gave me a strong conviction this past weekend to make a real change in my life. Time to clean house, so to speak, and now is the time. So with that said, I have been in one way grieving and have been in prayer. Not that I have to give things up or change things, but rather it's time to improve on my relationship with Christ & release the poisons that still seem to have a stronghold on me. No one said change was easy, but I know that I can overcome.

So I have put my 2 weeks notice in at the resteraunt that I have been working at part time for the past year. Working p/t was neccessary at the time, but I know that my time has ended there. I need to trust God for the provision of that little bit of extra money needed. I know that He will provide for all our needs.

So that's one area that I am working on. The next is my health. I have been really run down lately. I know that I have not been eating right & I know that I am not drinking enough water, or excercising like I need to. That is also about to change. I am excited about the changes I am getting ready to make in the next week & I am sure that I will feel better in no time.

Lastly I have been convicted to read more scripture. To really get to know God's heart & His will. I know that I have been slack in the area of reading and praying. I want nothing more than to be close to Jesus & know the peace that only He can give me. I just want to be used to glorify Him in all areas of my life. I know that it's much harder than I'd like it to be, but then again nothing good and right is ever easy.

So that is where I'm at right now in my life. I started this blog on Wednesday & I'm finishing it up on Thursday. I wanted to just share what God is doing in my life & I pray that it may help you too.

~Peace & Blessings~

15 July 2010

What do you do...

when you feel like you've hit rock bottom? That's where I am at this moment & I have to ask myself if it's worth the pain. I keep trying to do the right things for my family, but then it seems to unravel at the seems when I least expect it. Is it an attack or just stupity on my behalf that keeps causing me to go around the mountain? I'm not real sure, but I know I'm tired & I don't want to fight anymore when it comes to this battle. The biggest issue is of course, money. It seems to elude me at every corner. I know that money is not suppose to be as important as I sometimes make it, but we all need money to fufill basic needs & on occasion those wants that we have as well. It's a balancing act that I seem to be failing at. Miserably.

I have to say this, though, to be lacking in funds for basic needs keeps me completley dependant upon God. I have to look to Him. He supplies all my needs & some of my wants too, but I really think that we must realize that we may have it all, but without God present, we really do not have anything. Maybe that is the lesson in which I need to learn to get over this mountain...but then again, I thought I already learned this lesson. So what is it? Maybe I'm just not disciplined enough to save like I need to. That could be, but I'm not sure.

We all struggle, I know this, but I really needed to get this off my mind so I can concentrate on listening to God for the answer. When I am consumed with a thought it tends to take all my mind & then I can't hear the still small quiet whisper of God. I know that this too shall pass, but in the moment, I'm a bit overwhelmed. OK. That's all.

~Peace & Blessings~

11 July 2010

A wrap of Day 2 & 3

As we wrap up our trip to TN I wish we could stay a few more days. We have decided that we are coming back next year, so we will be saving up so we can do more when we come back.

Yesterday Mike, the kids & I went to the river w/ my sister, Amy, Bill, and their kids to enjoy tubing. That was a nice 3 hour experience. The kids really did enjoy that very much & at the end of it all while Mike, Logan & I were waiting on everyone else, Logan was jumping from rock to rock like a little billy goat. All the kids, Bill and myself took advantage of a rope swing that some of the local kids have up on the river. It was the kids first time to try the rope swing & they loved it! I did not fare so well...I made it only to the river and dropped...I didn't make it to the full swing & drop mid air like I was hoping, but that's what happens when you haven't done that in over 20 years.

Today we went into Gatlinburg. Mom, Dad, Mike and me took our kids & Miranda to Ripley's Aquarium. I have been to the one in Myrtle Beach, SC back in 2002 so it was nice that the kids wanted to go & they really enjoyed it.

My sister, Amy, and Bill took their son, Tristen to Lake Douglas to go jet skiing. They had a great time too. We'll look at going there next year. All in all I found Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg to be a great experience!I am so glad that we came & I hope to make this a yearly family tradition.

~Peace & Blessings~

09 July 2010

Long Weekend

In Gatlinburg, TN & I am once again in love with this area! God's beauty is all around (once you get past all the "attractions". I much prefer to be around God's attractions instead of mans.

When we first got to the cabin, my first thought was - how great Mom is! We are sitting on top of the mountain looking across the range! It started to rain while we were eating & when Mom & Dad got here there was a full rainbow. I couldn't get a full picture but it was grand as I viewed it over the mountains.

I really needed this time away. Work has been great, but hectic & Mike & I have not had any time away with the 2 of us & the kids. He's taken a mini break to go fishing & I've taken a mini break to see Tina & then one with the kids to Atlanta & a quick weekend to visit a Nikki in Orlando, but for all of us for more than a couple of's been a while.

My friend Gabe came to visit yesterday! That was so great! I have not seen him in almost 20 years & I have missed him. I met his family & it was just an overall good few hours. Not enough time though, so we'll have to get back together again in the near future.

So I'm going to wrap this up & head into the hot tub! AAhhh...I can feel myself relaxing already.

~Peace & Blessings~

01 July 2010

Can you be..

OCD & ADD @ the same time? Maybe it's just sleep deprivation, but I feel like I have too much going on in my head, yet I can't seem to catch all the thoughts to organize them...*sigh*

I'm very very excited! My niece & nephew are here & I get to see them today!!! It's been a few years since I've seen them, but it's going to be great. I'm taking the girls to see Eclipse this afternoon after my BNI meeting. The morning is not going so well at the moment. The midday tracks have not come in yet & that is a bit stressing. I have called Jayme & she said she'd come in and cover if I have nothing by 0915. Thanks goodness or else I'd miss my meeting and as president, that's not a good thing, but this does happen from time to time.

So yesterday was another WOW at work. The log got hung up on a program and between Luke and me we couldn't fix it so we called Jason - he is GREAT!!! Thanks Jason. I was just very thankful that Luke was in yesterday.

Next week I believe that we are going to Gattlenburg, TN & I am looking forward to that. It'll be my first time there & I love going to new places. I really like TN so I'm sure it'll be great. In the meantime...we are going to have a great 4th of July weekend. We have a block party lined up for Saturday & then a cookout @ Stephanie's house on Sunday. It should be nice.

I told you...OCD & ADD...hahahahaha

My praises...Thank you God for my parents making it home safely and for the job that Mike finished and has already gotten paid on. Thank you for our home not flooding over the past couple of storms and for the job that Mike is working on & the job he is finishing up on. I praise you for your provision & for the blessings of my job & being able to be a voice in the dark for Your Kingdom.

My heart goes out to the families that lost their homes during the storms and to those that I know that are suffering with terminal illness and sickness.

~Peace & Blessings~