They were here in Brunswick for a concert last night & it was good. Jayme, Bart & I enjoyed hanging out with not just Chris and Conrad, but also sisters Tal and Acacia.
We did the promotions for the station and helped Aadam with the World Vision give away they had last night. I had only 2 of my children with me, Logan was a bit too tired to hang last night. He was not happy about the decision, but it was made & we stuck with it. Sometimes the hardest part about being a parent is sticking with the decision that you make for your child.
We took a lot of great photos and my kids had a great time at the concert.
Once I got home I uploaded the pictures on Facebook before heading into bed. I was wired...go figure, but this morning I am paying the price with a foggy head.
Today I need to focus. I have to get my thoughts in order for the BNI meeting at 1030 AND I still have to take the kids shopping. They know what they want to get their Dad for Father's we need to go get that today. On the upside...I have NO place to be this evening!!!! I do need to get my Pampered Chef order done...I hope it's not too late, guess I'll find out.
That's Thursday! This weekend is going to be jammed pack as well...the kids are testing for the Orange Belts in Karate on Saturday & the Nichole is performing with the Stick Ministry on Sunday! I'm so excited to see her performing...I know that she'll do a great job.
Jesus is So Awesome & I am just in Awe at what he is doing in my life and through my family. I just pray that I give Him all the Glory.
Peace & Blessings,
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