Every day I ask God to use me and for others to see Jesus through my daily living. I am truly blessed. I work in music & ministry. Because of His grace I have met and continue to meet some of the most remarkable people. I have known Preston & Arlene for many years now & I feel honored to be able to help them each year with Project Backpack. This year a new civic group has joined to help in the effort & this is what they said. I wanted to share this email with you, because it has moved me. If you want to learn more about The Miranda Faith Foundation go to the website, www.mirandafaith.com
Here's the email
Thank you for including the Brunswick Lions and our efforts to help with Project Backpack. Last night while listening to Way Radio I heard more than an announcement of where to find our Yellow School Bus today. I listened as your on air person spoke of the work the Lions were doing to help. I am very thankful for the more than expected words.
There is no greater purpose in life then to serve the Father and no better way to do this service than to serve His Creation. The service Way Radio gives to those of us in the Kingdom is beyond measure. I thank you for your service and those involved in the continuance of Way Radio by providing the many small things it takes to keep a Christian Radio Station on the air for others like me are able to enjoy.
As a follower of Christ, I searched for an organization where I can serve, yet, reach out in a way a "Christian Organization" may not. In the Lions, whose motto is "We Serve" I am able to do this. Mind you we are a Civic Club, not christian, but as a christian I am not able to separate the two so the work flows into my civic responsibility. Lions International is a world wide organization which is not to promote any one religion over another. I respect that and honor that as a Lion, but again, I am in Christ first and as our Local Club have chosen to help Children and Youth in the Brunswick area what better way than helping children receive supplies for school.
Yesterday, Preston and I were speaking of how The Miranda Foundation was not able to reach certain business due to the Bible being placed in each book bag (such nonsense) yet, a Civic group such as the Lions were able. I truly believe this to be the providential Hand of God as the work of the Kingdom moves about and look forward to continuing this process next year, hopefully getting an earlier start.
G. Frank Lane
"Soli Dei gratia"
~Peace & Blessings~
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