
Each step of life is a journey that you choose to walk.

Each moment of life is another line, sentence, paragraph and chapter of the book called your life.

Enjoy all that life has to offer, good friends, good food, good coffee and as always wisdom and a good laugh.


05 January 2012

Is a schedule...

a bad thing? I don't think so. Actually...I think I do much better with a set schedule. My problem is my "feelings". Even if I know that I am suppose to do certain things at certain times...if I don't fell like it I will find an excuse or reason not to get it done. For example. I started back in August a series on 'Being Prepared'. My intentions were good, my execution was poor. So that series of blog posts got put on the back burner...EPIC FAIL!

Should I resurrect the posts and finish them up? I'm not sure. Maybe, but I think I have moved on past it now. So my goal is simple...don't do a one post with all the info. So if you follow my blog and want to know what I'm posting about when...then you'll appreciate my (probably poor) attempt at a schedule.

MONDAY: If I will be about upcoming events or what we as a family did over the weekend (sure why not!)

TUESDAY: New Releases and anything of interest when it comes to music news!

WEDNESDAY: Wisdom goal is to inspire with scripture

THURSDAY: Random...I do believe I do need a day of randomness. Take this blog for example ;-)

FRIDAY: Week in Review...This is for anything that I may have missed or that I find of interest.

So this is just one of my many goals. I am not making any promises at success, only to try.

~Peace & Blessings~ Jen

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