First let me apologize for not finishing this last entry sooner, but trying to get back into the swing of things didn't work out just as I planned. I will blog about that a bit later...
So the wrap of Vegas...It's Saturday, and I have to say it was a nice start of the day to just relax and take my time to get ready to go anywhere. Mike and I met up with a few friends over at Hooters. While we waited we grabbed breakfast. It was good, but nothing to really write home about. A little gambling (Mike not me) and a lot of conversation was on the agenda. Then we strolled over to Carnival once again to relax with other Alum.
Now I can't say that I don't blame Larry for taking the lead to head indoors, but I was not so keen at first about heading into the "I Love This Place" to hang out. But we did, and ordered a bit of food. Not bad for a little pick me up. The conversation was lively as we met up with other Alum and just relaxed and laughed to loud and to often for some of the folks around us! I guess we still have it in us...
Time to go get ready for the evening at Treve over at Cesar's Forums. As we finished up a terrific night at Treve the festivities were beginning to take a bit of a toll on me. I honestly cannot remember the last time I went that long with friends without thinking about getting up in the morning for work or for the kids. I was taken back by the love and thankfulness of all the Alum as I was given a "Thank You" gift from those who appreciated the help I gave Larry...the "Man of the Hour" for all the hard work and time he put into this reunion. I was so surprised, and truly grateful.

The whole time I had been to Vegas, I had really wanted to see the water show at Bellagio. I missed it the first time I had gone and I did not want to miss it again. So Mike and I excused ourselves as people continued to take pictures and made plans for another (the last) after party. We made it over to the Bellagio just moments before the show began. It was beautiful and I tried to take as many pictures as I could while listening to the opera that was part of the perfectly timed fountains!
I have to be honest...Mike looked like he was about to fall asleep standing up, and I am sure that I didn't look much better. It was time to skip out on the fun and head up for a decent night sleep. Next thing you's time to pack up, hit
the last buffet and head over to the airport. The Flamingo buffet was really really good. Fresh made crepe's, fruit forever and delicious shrimp. It was one of my better meals and so glad we went. I am not big on buffet's but it was good, and we had a view of the flamingo's it was a win win.
Last part of the trip was our crazy ride to the airport. I must say that the driver we had was WOW...I'm not sure how else to describe this has been cabby now turned shuttle driver in Vegas. He was hyper, not sure of his directions and over the line with the traffic. It made the need for prayer very necessary. We did arrive safely (of course) and had no problems on the way home.
Ahhh...home sweet home...until we headed out again the following week...but that, that is another blog.
~Peace & Blessings~