That is such a pointed question, isn't it? Fact of the matter is many people, when you ask them, stutter to give you an answer. So what is your job? Are you a cashier, server, banker, CEO, president, janitor? Can I tell you that none of these titles qualify your job! These are only descriptions of what you do, not who you are or what your job is.
There are 5 different definitions for the word job...
1. a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price
2. a post of employment; full-time or part-time position
3. anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility
4. an affair, matter, occurrence, or state of affairs
5. the material, project, assignment, etc., being worked upon
My definition of job more relates to #3.
My job? be the best person I can be when you meet me and to show (to the best of my ability)this dying world who Jesus Christ is, with Love (not hate), and to be sincere when I see and ask, "How are you?", and that I have the time to listen to how you are, not just the polite "I'm good". I am a people person. My job is to help you with your day, however God needs me to do that. Now, I'm not perfect at this...just ask my husband. Sometimes we get short tempered, drained, tired and we don't give our best to our family, because we have given our best throughout the rest of the day to everyone else. So it's my "job" to renew myself so I can be 100% to my family.
Renew...I love this word! It's one of my favorites. You may be asking yourself, "How do I renew?". I have found that sometimes renew means falling asleep on the couch, or just putting on a pair of headphones and listening to your favorite music. Maybe it's a relaxing shower or gardening. Can I tell you, all these are good, but they are temporary. They will not renew you like you need to be renewed. To be renewed (the way that is fulfilling) is to turn to God. Spend those moments in prayer or in His Word. The Bible is refreshing, nourishing and renewing.
Exodus 33:14, The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Deuteronomy 12:10, "But you will cross the Jordan and settle in the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, and he will give you rest from all your enemies around you so that you will live in safety."
Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
So no matter your station in life, it is your job to encourage each other, love one another, lift each other up in times of need, and to be Jesus to the least of these.
~Peace & Blessings~
Each step of life is a journey that you choose to walk.
Each moment of life is another line, sentence, paragraph and chapter of the book called your life.
Enjoy all that life has to offer, good friends, good food, good coffee and as always wisdom and a good laugh.
29 March 2012
28 March 2012
The "Honey-Do" List...
We all have one. Well I know that I have one. Actually I have one for me, one for my kids and one for my husband. There are just some things that he does better or I just don't like to do so he does them. I believe this all goes back to being a "help mate" to each other. We each have strengths and weaknesses. It's great to have a husband that balances me out.
As we are talking about the "Honey-Do" list on the show this morning I said that I have my list all typed out and on a spread sheet. Bart asked, "Really?". I showed him and he began to laugh. Yes...that is one of the "conditions" of my OCD. I feel like I can breathe once I have a list and a plan of action. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
It did however get me to thinking, what is it that my husband wants to get done? I have never asked him, I just made him a list. I believe I could be a better help mate to my husband if I were to ask him what he'd like to get done rather than me telling him what I want done. So here I am again, reminded that my way is not always (if ever) the best or right way.
My prayer is that I be a wife that honors my husband so that he will be honored. Proverbs 31:23, Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. This is my prayer today.
~Peace & Blessings~
27 March 2012
New Releases: Many to Choose From Or Get Them All
There's a list today that is worth reading through of new music that is officially out today! Whether you still are a little old school and buy CDs or more mainstream and download, here's some ear candy that I recommend!
First to start is my Pick of the Week...
Sidewalk Prophets (SWP). I have been a fan since day 1 and I have really been looking forward to this album!
This week (for your listening pleasure) you will also enjoy...
Britt Nicole and her hot pop sound that teens (and wanna be teens) enjoy...
...Jimmy Needham has a voice that I just love to listen to. I'm looking forward to hearing this entire project...
... For my husband I have to give a shout out for the Rockers of Rhema Soul with their new album Red. Be prepared to Rock for Jesus...
...A fitting release now since lead singer, Jason Dunn, has announced that he is leaving Hawk Nelson. So for all you fans, you'll want to get this...
...after, what, 7 years, Toby Mac is Back with a remix that is sure to be a pleasure...
...and here's a new one. I have to say I am interested in listening to this album, so my review is simply to give them a try. Dubbed Hard Rock, this may just be right up your alley...
For a full list of new releases (yes there's more) then check out New Release Tuesday @
~Peace & Blessings~
First to start is my Pick of the Week...
Sidewalk Prophets (SWP). I have been a fan since day 1 and I have really been looking forward to this album!
This week (for your listening pleasure) you will also enjoy...
Britt Nicole and her hot pop sound that teens (and wanna be teens) enjoy...
...Jimmy Needham has a voice that I just love to listen to. I'm looking forward to hearing this entire project...
... For my husband I have to give a shout out for the Rockers of Rhema Soul with their new album Red. Be prepared to Rock for Jesus...
...after, what, 7 years, Toby Mac is Back with a remix that is sure to be a pleasure...
...and here's a new one. I have to say I am interested in listening to this album, so my review is simply to give them a try. Dubbed Hard Rock, this may just be right up your alley...
For a full list of new releases (yes there's more) then check out New Release Tuesday @
~Peace & Blessings~
22 March 2012
More Stories for Matthew West
Matthew West is inviting listeners (that's you!) to once again send in and submit stories from their lives for his next album. That album is slated to be released in the fall. The singer and songwriter previously asked for stories to be used on his 2010 project, "The Story of Your Life". Matthew shared about his new project, "On average, over a hundred stories have been sent to my website every week during these last two years. I could sense this season of telling the stories of peoples' lives wasn't quite finished yet. I'm beyond excited to take this journey...with this new season of stories and songs." Stories can be submitted through the end of March to
~Peace & Blessings~
21 March 2012
For King & Country
Australian duo & brothers, Joel & Luke are continuing to impact Christian Music For King & Country has been named an iTunes’ New Artist to Watch. ITunes' made For King & Country one of its "New Artists to Watch" last week after their debut album, "Crave", which has the single, “Busted Heart”, was released on February 28th.
~Peace & Blessings~
~Peace & Blessings~
20 March 2012
Must see Movie
So there is a buzz in my ear about the upcoming movie "October Baby". It started yesterday when a friend of mine asked if I'd go with her to see it. I'm not often asked to go to see a movie. I asked her when she'd like to go and she says, the movie is out on Friday so this weekend if possible. Not really possible this weekend, and I'm in Atlanta the following weekend. So I'm thinking that I will have to drag her to the movies on a Monday night. Why not! I believe that this movie needs to be seen, by every woman who has been adopted, has put a child up for adoption, has had an abortion or almost had an abortion. This is a movie with a message, a mission. I already love this movie and I have not even seen it yet! Here's the best part...The
producers of OCTOBER BABY
have assigned 10% of the profits of the movie to the Every Life is Beautiful
Fund, which will distribute funds to frontline organizations helping women
facing crisis pregnancies, life-affirming adoption agencies, and those caring
for orphans.
~Peace & Blessings~
~Peace & Blessings~
19 March 2012
Pause for Post
I want to share all the exciting things that have happened over the past few days, but I want to share with pictures and I'm waiting on those to be bear with me and an updated post will be up as soon as possible. That is all :-)
~Peace & Blessings~
13 March 2012
Pick of the Week and New Releases
There's a lot of activity today in regards to new albums that are available today. So let's get started.
My pick of the week..and this was hard...Dave Barnes "Stories to Tell". Dave has taken a new musical direction that I believe you will be pleased with. All Praise and Glory to God for the ability to grow musically.
Now Dave is my "Pick of the Week", but there are so many good albums that are out's a list of what else I recommend.
Chris Tomlin "White Flag"
Jeremy Camp "I Still Believe The Number Ones Collection"
Phillips, Craig & Dean "Breathe In"
Happy Listening!
My pick of the week..and this was hard...Dave Barnes "Stories to Tell". Dave has taken a new musical direction that I believe you will be pleased with. All Praise and Glory to God for the ability to grow musically.
Now Dave is my "Pick of the Week", but there are so many good albums that are out's a list of what else I recommend.
Chris Tomlin "White Flag"
Jeremy Camp "I Still Believe The Number Ones Collection"
Phillips, Craig & Dean "Breathe In"
Happy Listening!
12 March 2012
is on my mind. I'm sitting in the studio getting ready to go on the air and I'm racing ahead to later today and even later this week. No wonder I feel at times that life is on full speed. I have to STOP! Whatever happen to enjoying the moment.
I was like that on Friday too. My whole thought on Friday was, "Get the taxes done!". Well they are now done and sent in, and I'm so thankful that part of my life is OVER!
After taxes were officially filed I took the kids over to the store. My daughter was itching to spend some of her birthday money. I had only 2 of the kids with me. My older son, Thomas was enjoying some "Grandparents" time with my Mom & Dad. It was not "ideal" for my youngest to be shopping for girl clothes, but I took him over to see what he was in for summer wear. That seemed to perk him up! So as fast I rushed to Friday it came and went.
I realized on Saturday, that is was an almost perfect Saturday. We weren't rushed out the door to get to Karate4Christ. Nope...I was up on time, prepared breakfast, and we had a great Bible lesson (thank you Sharon) and a great karate class. I have to say my favorite was watching Riley spar. She is going to be a powerhouse one day!
After karate, we cleaned up the house, and it was not stressful! Maybe because the kids were motivated by the anticipation of what was next on the agenda. Nichole (my now 13 year old) was heading out for the day with her Nanny & Pappy (My in-laws) for her 2nd Birthday Weekend (we tend to celebrate all month long on the weekends). The boys and I were heading out to the skate park. My boys love to skateboard, we just don't get to go to the skate park that often. They wanted to stay all day, but I knew that was not going to happen.
While we were at the skate park we saw some people that we know. That always makes a day at the park better. What was great was that I had my dogs with me and one of the skaters was taking action shots with his camera and asked if he could take a photo of my puppy girl, Daisy. I said sure. It turned out great!
After we finished up at the park, the boys and I headed over to St. Simons Island to meet up with Mike and take the dogs to the beach. That was, however, a short trip. The winds were blowing at 35 MPH, and it was whipping around us to the point of pain because of the sand whipping up against our skin.
Before I left to the skate park I did one of the smartest things EVER! I had set the clocks ahead an hour already. That way when we got home from our fun day out, the kids would still go to bed "on time" but they would not realize that they were loosing an hour. I even went to bed early/on time. That helped in the long run because I was at church at 8AM to prepare for Worship. And worship I did. I felt so overwhelmed by God's presence yesterday that I could not do anything but sing His praise.
Renewed...I know I have an extremely busy, crazy week ahead of me, but if I just enjoy the moment and do what I am suppose to do, when I am suppose to do it, I won't be overwhelmed, I won't get anxious and I know I Can Do This....with God's Help!
~Peace & Blessings~
I was like that on Friday too. My whole thought on Friday was, "Get the taxes done!". Well they are now done and sent in, and I'm so thankful that part of my life is OVER!
After taxes were officially filed I took the kids over to the store. My daughter was itching to spend some of her birthday money. I had only 2 of the kids with me. My older son, Thomas was enjoying some "Grandparents" time with my Mom & Dad. It was not "ideal" for my youngest to be shopping for girl clothes, but I took him over to see what he was in for summer wear. That seemed to perk him up! So as fast I rushed to Friday it came and went.
I realized on Saturday, that is was an almost perfect Saturday. We weren't rushed out the door to get to Karate4Christ. Nope...I was up on time, prepared breakfast, and we had a great Bible lesson (thank you Sharon) and a great karate class. I have to say my favorite was watching Riley spar. She is going to be a powerhouse one day!
After karate, we cleaned up the house, and it was not stressful! Maybe because the kids were motivated by the anticipation of what was next on the agenda. Nichole (my now 13 year old) was heading out for the day with her Nanny & Pappy (My in-laws) for her 2nd Birthday Weekend (we tend to celebrate all month long on the weekends). The boys and I were heading out to the skate park. My boys love to skateboard, we just don't get to go to the skate park that often. They wanted to stay all day, but I knew that was not going to happen.
While we were at the skate park we saw some people that we know. That always makes a day at the park better. What was great was that I had my dogs with me and one of the skaters was taking action shots with his camera and asked if he could take a photo of my puppy girl, Daisy. I said sure. It turned out great!
After we finished up at the park, the boys and I headed over to St. Simons Island to meet up with Mike and take the dogs to the beach. That was, however, a short trip. The winds were blowing at 35 MPH, and it was whipping around us to the point of pain because of the sand whipping up against our skin.
Before I left to the skate park I did one of the smartest things EVER! I had set the clocks ahead an hour already. That way when we got home from our fun day out, the kids would still go to bed "on time" but they would not realize that they were loosing an hour. I even went to bed early/on time. That helped in the long run because I was at church at 8AM to prepare for Worship. And worship I did. I felt so overwhelmed by God's presence yesterday that I could not do anything but sing His praise.
Renewed...I know I have an extremely busy, crazy week ahead of me, but if I just enjoy the moment and do what I am suppose to do, when I am suppose to do it, I won't be overwhelmed, I won't get anxious and I know I Can Do This....with God's Help!
~Peace & Blessings~
09 March 2012
06 March 2012
How To Be Loved by Todd Agnew | CD Reviews And Information |
Highly anticipated and long time coming. So glad to hear Todd again! For the full article follow the link...
How To Be Loved by Todd Agnew | CD Reviews And Information |
~Peace & Blessings~
How To Be Loved by Todd Agnew | CD Reviews And Information |
~Peace & Blessings~
05 March 2012
From Disney to Birthdays...
It has been what, 2 weeks since I've really posted anything. I'll be happy to catch you up, only there's so much to catch up on. Did I tell you that I went to Orlando with my daughters school? No? OK, so that was her first visit ever to Disney and she had a blast!!! Her school's fine arts department went down to perform with the Disney Performing Arts Department. What an exciting opportunity! We spent 3 days in Orlando and I loved watching her experience Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom & Epcot. That was my first visit to Epcot as well and I loved it!
Shortly after coming back from the wonderful world of Disney, I got sick. Yup...go figure...take a mini vacation come back with a full blown sinus infection! So....I was not even thinking about posting blogs or Facebook messages. By last Friday I was finished, out, completely unable to do anything by wish for the pain to stop. I was out of work until Wednesday, so the rest of the week was all about catching up on the "daily" work that I missed out on! That is a lot when it's the end of the month. And to top it off...I was having to finish getting things together for the girls 13th Birthday Party.'s official...she is a TEENAGER! I'm not sure how it is that time has gone so fast!
We had a great time. On Friday we took her to one of her favorite places, Tramichi's, for dinner, and then out to St. Simons Island for a little stroll before getting some ice cream. Saturday was "The Day" for the party....Heart themed and full of pink & red. She was so happy to have her friends over to spend the day. Of course, the weather was severe, and while we were celebrating, others were taking cover from tornadoes. My parents came over and "crashed" the party because of the storms, but it was great to have them there while the girls were eating cake & opening gifts.

After the party, some of the girls stayed over and they had so much fun...out for frozen yogurt, grabbed a pizza, watched a "girly movie"...YEAH! and then they went off to paint nails and crafts. Overall...such a good day. The girls that stayed over went the next morning to church with us and then to lunch at Mom & Dads church for Homecoming. It was nice and a great way to start off the week.
So this week is all about 2 things...Friend Raiser and Taxes. So for me, I'll be doing a lot of prep work and paperwork, and praying that I don't loose focus or get distracted by unimportant things. So that's a wrap and I'll get back on track probably next year...LOL
~Peace & Blessings~
Shortly after coming back from the wonderful world of Disney, I got sick. Yup...go figure...take a mini vacation come back with a full blown sinus infection! So....I was not even thinking about posting blogs or Facebook messages. By last Friday I was finished, out, completely unable to do anything by wish for the pain to stop. I was out of work until Wednesday, so the rest of the week was all about catching up on the "daily" work that I missed out on! That is a lot when it's the end of the month. And to top it off...I was having to finish getting things together for the girls 13th Birthday Party.'s official...she is a TEENAGER! I'm not sure how it is that time has gone so fast!
We had a great time. On Friday we took her to one of her favorite places, Tramichi's, for dinner, and then out to St. Simons Island for a little stroll before getting some ice cream. Saturday was "The Day" for the party....Heart themed and full of pink & red. She was so happy to have her friends over to spend the day. Of course, the weather was severe, and while we were celebrating, others were taking cover from tornadoes. My parents came over and "crashed" the party because of the storms, but it was great to have them there while the girls were eating cake & opening gifts.

After the party, some of the girls stayed over and they had so much fun...out for frozen yogurt, grabbed a pizza, watched a "girly movie"...YEAH! and then they went off to paint nails and crafts. Overall...such a good day. The girls that stayed over went the next morning to church with us and then to lunch at Mom & Dads church for Homecoming. It was nice and a great way to start off the week.
So this week is all about 2 things...Friend Raiser and Taxes. So for me, I'll be doing a lot of prep work and paperwork, and praying that I don't loose focus or get distracted by unimportant things. So that's a wrap and I'll get back on track probably next year...LOL
~Peace & Blessings~
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